How to Make Your House Quieter

When you think of your dream home you probably envision expansive ceilings, beautiful French doors, floor to ceiling windows and features alike. Although all these things sound stunning, the reality of it is that sound from the outside world (or other rooms in the house) will be able to travel throughout your home. So, it’s important to come up with home noise reduction techniques before construction has started.

It’s not really something that’s thought about when it comes to planning our dream homes, but more so something we realise when sitting in a living space having a conversation and we can hear our voices bouncing off of the walls. Brainstorming some sound proofing ideas is a great way to ensure your home not only looks fabulous but keeps the sound outside – and ensures your interior is cosy, soundproof, and comfortable.

Interested in our renovation services? Give our team a call on 0414 234 695 today to get started on your dream home!

Home Noise Reduction: A Guide to Sound Proofing

Invest in Sound Proofing Materials

One of the first things to consider if you are wanting to reduce outside noise, is installing materials throughout your home that absorb external sound. For example:

  • Acoustic panels or tiles
  • Cladded ceilings (accompanied by perforated gypsum boards)
  • Clad walls with MDF boards
  • Integrate MDF boards in the ceiling (if it can handle the weight)
  • Fibreglass on the ceilings
  • Plasterboards

What type of materials you use to reduce outside noise is essentially up to you and although you may choose to use one or more of the above options, it all comes down to just how much soundproofing you want for your home.

Avoid Creating Hollow Spaces

Open and expansive areas in a home look totally dreamy and mimic such an opulent style of space. However, if they aren’t constructed the right way, they could be the culprit for echoing sounds and noise travelling through walls. For example, high ceilings, staircases, and long hallways with no windows – moreover, do not install these features near your living area, bedrooms, theatre rooms, and entertainment spaces of the like.

In saying that, high ceilings are completely gorgeous and if you’re looking at how to make your house quieter, there are ways to do this while still having your dream interior. If high ceilings are something you’ve always wanted and you can’t bring yourself to sacrifice that feature, all you need are strategically placed sound outlets (such as windows for the noise to travel out from).

Sound Proofing Ideas for Windows & Doors

One of the best things you can do for your home is install doors and windows that are able to be tightly and securely closed – this will ensure majority of the sound is kept to the exterior. This is more so an important fundamental for those homes, rooms or balconies that face a busy road. Pro tip: the larger your windows and doors are, the more sound is going to try to infiltrate your space, so try to double glaze the windows beforehand to make sure as much sound is muffled as possible (especially for bedrooms and lounge rooms).

Understanding how to make your house quieter isn’t difficult, it’s all about knowing the little tips and tricks you can incorporate into specific areas of your design to assist. For example, with windows, homeowners get rubber seals installed around a window’s edges (and doors too) to ensure the tight close. Another beneficial aspect of the rubber is that it prevents your windows or glass doors from rattling!

Work With AQWA for Your Dream Home!

At AQWA Constructions, we’re dedicated to providing you with your dream home, designing something that’s perfectly suited to your family, as well as that caters to your future as well. You don’t have to relocate to a new place to find the home that you love. With our team of renovation specialists, and with your ideas from beginning to end, we’ll be able to give you the home you’ve always wanted. We have first-hand experience with home makeover processes and know how much of a headache (and how frustrating) it can truly be. With us, all of that stress is eliminated.

Contact AQWA Constructions Today

If you’re wanting to discuss more ways of how to make your house quieter, get in touch with our Brisbane home renovations experts today on 0414 234 695. For general queries, or for more information on our additional services, reach out to us through our online form and we’ll be in contact as soon as possible.